jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

An example of a "simple" Menu Degustation:

The following photographs including, a regular Degustation offered by Jose María Jordán & Cía  (Esther); the only one staff than formed CasadeComestibles:

The table waiting for the retainer allways have olive oil, paprika, bassil, and others butters done for the chef:

Diferents kinds of bread:

Bread kneaded, baked in the own kitchen of CDC with special flours and allways good ingredients. This is one of the services than a client can find in this small business:


One principal ingredient the wild salmon "sokelle" from  Alaska, in a only dish, done with three diferents preparations: Ceviche with jenjibre; a travel to Perú, Tartar with soy sauce; a travel for Japan and tataky with muslin of garlic and olive oil; from Spain. Perfectly flavored and combined with fresh ingredients like spring onion, chives, mushrooms, capers, black pepper, lime... 

Sea urchin's soup with a salmon & aubergine's ravioli.
The fresh sea urchin completely raw, cooked with the heat of the broth. Delicius final, for a very complicated preparation.

Galician sacallop roasted with sesamo, guizzards of lamb, mushroom and pigeon broth. :
Shall I say something more???, Perhads I can say than the softly carameliced sacallop was tender like anything else couse the chef buy it, clean it, flavoured it and cooked it. The same for the guizzards, the mushroom or the broth. 

Wild dorada brounded with creamy black rise of chocos. Flavour, flavour, taste, taste, delicius!!!

Foie Gras in two textures with peas:

The supreme expression of the offals; one of my fetish produts...

Pork (ibérico de bellota) seared and roasted, with apricot, toast of marrow and truffle sauce.

One of the best sauces that I probe in my life. A dark mirror who reflect the flavour of three days of a professional chef. 

A coconut ice, with false quince? of mango and raspberry sauce
One of the best ice creams than I remember; made for the chef in his PacoJet... Beauty dessert.

French toast with tofe and apple roasted with ice cream of beans tonka. 
If a had a gun I would die happy.

Chocolates of Manjari, Ivore and Gaunaja:

Good profit!

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