sábado, 12 de enero de 2013

Knowing their history and philosophy

Only a man; José María & a woman; Esther. Both born in Ferrol more than 50 years ago...
A professional pair than worked toguether in diferent projets along the years.

When Mr & Mrs. Comestible arrive to the town; they offer theyselves as two professionals with a lot of serious experience, ready to work. From 2 to 30 people they can work in your house armed with the bests fish, seafood, meats, poultry, wines and high range produts; preferably of the near enviroment.

In the moment of open their bussisnes they explain his philosophy:
Not a restaurant; a house of comestibles, cause there are restaurant who serve dishes with no edibles (food chemistry, industrial food...). 
Ony two workers; one for the kitchen and one for the room, for sixteen people in five tables.

CDC is a CINEMATIC projet.

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